I was driving home from work last night listening to the radio. I listen to all kinds of stuff on the radio, but last night Iwas listening to CCM. The DJ played a call he got from a young listener. The boy must have been between 11 and 15 from the sound of his voice. He was by no means eloquent. Yet, his call revealed that he has a big heart. He called to ask for prayer for a friend. His friend is going through hard times. The friend's father is in the military deployed in combat. The mom just lost her job and now they are about to lose their house. The friend is distraught, and this boy cared enough to call a Christian radio station to ask for prayer. The DJ asked him if he'd like to pray for his friend and he did. So this young, caring, believing, non-eloquent young man prayed for his friend on-air. It really touched my heart.
It made me think about how many times my friends ask me for prayer and I tell them that I will gladly pray for them- and then I forget! God has told us to come to Him in prayer. Hebrews tells us that we can "approach the throne of grace with confidence." Jesus told us that our Heavenly Father knows what we need before we even ask Him. I share all of this to encourage you to be people of prayer. The Lord who made the heavens and the earth cares. He INVITES us to approach Him. If you have placed your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, He will hear you. No request is too insignificant. Remember, God is all Sovereign and stuff...
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