I've always wanted to start a blog. But the main thing stopping me has always been the thought: "who cares what I think!!!" Well, I'm still of the same mindset, but I've decided to blog anyways in order to publically think through life, God, and all things.
Why the name, "God is all Sovereign?" This is essentially my motto in life. As I've studied the Bible throughout the years, one truth keeps screaming at me- namely the truth that God is Sovereign over ALL things. That means that life,death, good, evil, happiness, sorrow, wealth, poverty, good times, bad times, natural disasters,...EVERYTHING...all things happen according to the will of God. My random ramblings are all part of His plan. This does not excuse ANYONE from responsiblilty for their actions- certainly not me. I am a sinful man redeemed by God's amazing grace. I make mistakes and they are MY mistakes. I sin and it is MY sin. I call myself a "supralapsarian baptist." Those of you with a theological background shouldn't automatically assume that I am a hyper-calvinist. I am not. I share the gospel, and I know that the Bible commands me to share the gospel with Everyone. I know that I will post more on this topic in the future, so I will move on for now.
[Edit 4/25/2019: I am not a hyper-calvinist in the sense that most would intend the term. Most would mean someone who doesn't share the gospel or someone who believes in a sort of fate. But I believe that God is absolutely over All. That includes evil. Not ONE thing happens apart from God's will. I accept equal-ultimacy as biblical. God has never "permitted" anything. He has decreed every single thing that comes to pass. That I believe this way may cause some to label me as "hyper." So be it. But please do not build up a straw man. I will always go to the Word as the final authority. -rA]
I'm planning to post things from every aspect of life on this blog, but because the Bible and Jesus Christ are so much a part of who I am, I wouldn't be surprised to see most of my posts centered on the Bible and Jesus Christ.
When you question what in the world is going on in this world, remember: God is all Sovereign and stuff...
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